I’m just a chatty Cathy

By | August 24, 2019

Who do you guys like so far in the democratic primary? Personally, I’m on the Elizabeth Warren train, but I think I’m still persuadable.


I’m cat sitting a three-year-old cat. The dog he’s known for most of his cat-life died a few weeks ago and the poor kitty is licking himself silly with grief. His stomach and paws are raw and hairless from his persistent tongue. It’s heart-wrenching to notice.

This cat is also obsessed with me and follows me around like a duckling, plopping onto me as soon as I sit down. He’s in my bed when I go to sleep and he’s in my bed when I wake up. It’s pretty adorable, but also, sometimes, kind of annoying.

No amount of petting is enough! Isn’t that life’s central problem?


Whenever I see roadkill, I say a prayer in Sanskrit. I have no idea what the prayer means. I could be wishing for a good harvest for all I know.


Whenever I buy something off Craigslist, I check back for a couple of weeks afterwards and feel satisfaction if I got a good deal. It’s like huzzah, I got a bargain!

If my subsequent searching turns up a cheaper version, then I stop checking. It’s still huzzah as long as I like the object.


I don’t have many clothes, so I often wear this maroon t-shirt with CHICAGO LAW written on it in big white letters. It’s a great conversation starter. If I’m alone and wearing the shirt, there’s almost a 100% chance someone will say something to me.

I’m from Chicago!

My husband is a lawyer!

I saw you on this trail yesterday. And you were wearing the SAME SHIRT!

Join my email list or feel my wrath.

27 thoughts on “I’m just a chatty Cathy

  1. DC

    Aw boo, Anita’s still full of wrath. How bout “Join my email list or feel my gluttony” instead? Or sloth?

  2. SE

    When I see road kill, I make the sign of the cross and say a little prayer in my mind. I am not religious, but I’ve done it since I was a little kid. This is the first time I have heard of someone else doing something like this, very cool! Poor road kill die so traumatically, I’m willing to error on the side of caution and say something for them. Especially since I didn’t imagine someone else might!

    1. Thriftygal Post author

      My thoughts exactly! Someone should honor their life, even if it’s just for a second. I’ve never met anyone else who does that either!

  3. Doug M

    I very much enjoyed this casual chat–I just wish it hadn’t been so brief!

    1. I like Elizabeth Warren, but I like Kamala Harris 🙁 Joe & Pete Buttigieg too. Truth be told, I just want to see ONE of them take Trump down.

    2. That poor cat you’re sitting broke my heart!

    3. THIS IS TRULY WEIRD–I just told my sister a couple days ago “everytime I wear this old Waynesburg University shirt out n’ about, I am guaranteed that someone is going to approach me–everytime.” (I live in Pittsburgh, but went to Wbg U which is 70 miles south of me.)

    4. Anita–can we have more of your random thoughts, please?

  4. Brad

    I’m excited about Andrew Yang! I think he is asking the really hard questions and proposing very reasoned solutions. He’ll likely not get the nomination this year, but I hope whoever does incorporates some of his ideas into their plan. I fear if the dems don’t get their house in order, we’ll have four more years of Trump and I don’t know if our nation can recover from that. I’ll leave it on a positive Andrew Yang slogan, “it’s not left, it’s not right, it’s forward.”

  5. H. Hudson

    I’d vote for Warren too. All of these people should stay on board as elected representatives if they don’t win.
    As for the cat, it’s living a good life.

  6. Reese

    The thought of you praying for a bountiful harvest after seeing roadkill is hilarious!

  7. Luke

    Thanks for sharing your opinion about the election Thriftygirl

    I’d like to share something. Politics is so divisive, it can literally end friendships, break up families or prevent friendships from forming just because two people have opposing political views.

    For example, it’s possible that you and I could become best friends but that may never happen if you learn of my political opinion. You’d be judging a very small part of my personality and a single belief i hold in the present moment, which could of course change over time.

    I think it’s a subject best avoided. Lets connect on a deeper level. Lets connect on a human level, one which is full of loving kindness and compassion.

    1. Thriftygal Post author

      Politics is such an integral part of one’s identity. I do have a hard time being friends with, much less dating, a Republican.

      1. Ally

        I think you should be able to express your opinion on your blog. Although I vote democrat generally, I do have Republican friends. You find the decency in each other. Of course, my republican friends are decent people who haven’t sold their souls.
        Anyway , I say prayers for small roadside casualties, as well.

        1. Thriftygal Post author

          That’s fair. After I commented, I realize I do know people who vote Republicans that I don’t hate. 🙂

          1. Luke

            Of course. We shouldn’t judge someone just because they are a republican or democrat. There’s so much more to a person than their political beliefs.

            The whole point of politics is to divide us. There’s already so much division on this planet. Aside from psychopaths and sociopaths all humans have some fundamental sharing beliefs, lets focus on what we have in common instead.

  8. Brodonnell

    I also like Liz Warren. She and Bernie are the only candidates I think are authentic in their rejection of corruption (corporate campaign donations). For whatever reason, I just can’t get on board with Bernie; even though he is one of the most-electable candidates (!!!) he strikes me as someone who wouldn’t make a good Commander In Chief.

    Warren is an inspiration to introverts everywhere. I can only imagine what she has to do to recharge at the end of the day.

  9. Luke

    Hello again Thrifty Girl
    Slightly different topic. Since early retirement (35 years old) i’ve done the travel the world thing as well as embracing certain hobbies and interests but i still feel a complete loss of identity and purpose with my life. Is this something you have encountered and if so, what’s the solution?

    1. Thriftygal Post author

      Tough to get too deeply into it in a comment as this is a pretty big question. Purpose is the hardest thing and when you have to make it yourself and not get it from your job is a tough transition. My purpose feels like writing, but on the days when I don’t write well or don’t feel like writing or whatever, I feel adrift, too.

      I wish I had a better answer for you, but only you can find your own purpose. Maybe volunteer somewhere? Make a difference.

      1. Luke

        I appreciate your answer Thriftygal. Yes, it can be a tough transition. Especially if one does not have a family (me) and was renting while working so no permanent base either. Have you considered writing a blog post or two on the subject? It must affect many of us early retirees

    1. Thriftygal Post author

      Elizabeth Warren for the win! (It took me a second to understand what you were saying, but I love the sentiment)

  10. Veera

    I read about a poll lately that Bernie, Elizabeth and Joe are leading the democratic polls with 20% each while Kamala is next at about 8% and rest all at 3% and below. Well its just polls and you need to take them with a bucket of salt :).

    You could setup a IFTTT trigger for craigslist alert when a particular item if below your target price it sends out an email alert. Checkout https://ifttt.com/

    1. Thriftygal Post author

      I heard about that poll. I’m excited the progressives seem to be doing so well. I’ve never heard of this trigger thing. I suspect it could change life for the better. 🙂


Thoughts? Recommendations? Candy? Anything you can give me is highly appreciated.

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