What’s going on in April?

By | March 23, 2020

Hey guys,

I normally avoid the news like the plague, but everyone kept talking about the plague, so I checked it out about a week ago. It’s embarrassing how out of the loop I was and I’m sorry for that.

Soooo, there’s a global pandemic happening right now and nobody knows how long the world will be on pause. People are dying. Other people are freaking out and buying all the things on the grocery shelves. Probably those same people are freaking out and selling all the stocks. I imagine that’s how they’re paying for all the toilet paper.

It’s kind of a sad and scary and unprecedented world out there. It’s also really interesting to read the news right now and I’ve been consuming large amounts of it for a few days. Nobody is supposed to leave their house and the government is talking about implementing a temporary universal basic income.

It’s so surreal.

I learned pretty early on upon retirement that I needed social interaction or else I’d turn into a droopy puddle. One activity a day with another person or persons was my prescription and it seemed to work to keep the loneliness at bay.

But now everything is canceled. All the parties and book clubs and dinners with friends that used to grace my calendar have all vanished. Bumble told me not to meet anyone in real life right now.

Connection and relationships with other people make us human and I’m struggling to deal. It’s hard to live alone in this time.

But, life continues and besides my social activity a day being canceled, my life honestly hasn’t changed that much.

Since I anticipate being inside for most of April, I’m making my resolutions with an eye towards that. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Also, how is everyone? What a crazy time.

Being stuck at home is a good excuse to try out resolutions chart if you don’t do it with me already.

Work out

I’m well set up to work out at home and have been doing it for years. There are a million Youtube videos that you can follow along with. Even if you don’t have weights, you can find cardio and body weight only videos. I cannot recommend doing this highly enough. This is the very first thing I do upon getting out of bed and it keeps me sane. Ish.

Walk 10,000 steps a day

So far, it’s still okay to take walks outside. I’m going to charge up my pedometer and make sure I do.

If I’m not able to go outside, I find myself talking on the phone a lot more to my mom, my siblings and cousins, my friends, potential suitors. Walking while talking is a good habit to adopt.


I’m not immune to the anxiety and I find myself feeling waves of boredom and loneliness and despair. Meditation helps with that and I’ve been turning to it for more than my allocated 24 minutes.

Cook something

Since I’m stuck at home and everything is closed, I kind of have to do this, so it’s nice to get a smiley face for the effort.

Put on lotion

This month is all about self care. Treat your body like the temple it is.


I don’t floss regularly unless it’s on my chart. I wish that weren’t a fact.

Work on book (1 hour)

I’ve been working on my novel, but it feels a little…pointless and has lost some of its joy for me since this whole real world disaster began. I’m still working on it.

Read 50 pages

The library is closed and I’ve been trying to “save” my books, but that’s silly. Now is the time to read. When I run out, I’m sure there are Kindle books I can check out.

Practice Acceptance

Acceptance is one of the pillars of joy.

Remember that we are the universe observing itself.

Whenever I remember this fact, I feel a moment of awe and appreciation. Muttering a phrase to myself daily is an easy A.

As hard as it is for me, I know my frustration pales in comparison to people who have lost their jobs and people who may lose their businesses, people who work from home with a toddler or two, people who have contracted the virus and their loved ones, people who are nurses and doctors and delivery drivers and grocery store employees who are working way too hard.

I don’t know. Wash your hands, practice social distancing, and do a resolutions chart with me for April. Stay safe.

With lots of love,

33 thoughts on “What’s going on in April?

  1. sa_retire

    The social isolation is the worst of all of it. Some people still need to work so they don’t experience it as much, many need to still have physical presence in a factory or restaurant for their work.. But for us we can self isolate… Except it actually is a huge problem. We’ve started walking with a friend or 2, being outside and talking is so much better than video or phonecalls. Im finding the virtual socialization is tricking my brain to think ive socialised but still feel sad at the end of the day because it didnt feel real. The walk with another lonely friend is better. No physical contact but its still a little happier for us.
    Good luck, I hope you find ways to deal with the difficulties that these times bring.

    1. Thriftygal Post author

      I’ve been walking with a friend too. I’m not even sure if that’s appropriate. I agree with you that the social isolation is the worst part. If you have a job and are working from home, you have your colleagues you chat with still. Another downside to early retirement, I suppose.

      1. sa_retire

        Our president just announced a total lockdown at home from Thursday for South Africa. I don’t think we can walk anymore.. My only solution is to be that I’m walking to the shops for groceries , with a friend, who’s going to have live in our house, I guess that’s all that’s left…

        We live in dark times. Stoicism and religion will help find me to find joy in these days ahead.

  2. Luke

    Now is a wonderful opportunity to embrace loneliness. We’re conditioned by the collective mind to think and feel it’s bad thing and something to be avoided. It doesn’t have to be that way. Loneliness is different to aloneness. Loneliness is when one depends on others. Embarce and celebrate when you’re with family and friends but don’t be dependant on them. That will lead to a lot of pain. Namaste

  3. veronica

    I’m on Day 8 of the lock down in Spain. Minimum 22 more days to go.

    The social isolation is not as much a problem for me as the fact that we are not allowed to go out for walks. That’s the part that I miss the most. Walking the paths along the river or the canal is the best mental therapy for me. That’s been taken away. The areas are cordoned off and regularly patrolled by the police. I’m still allowed to go to the grocery store, but walking the streets does not have the same effect on me as walking in a green space. I’m envious when my friends from back home tell me they’ve been out for walks. Enjoy that last bit of liberty they’ve left you.

    1. Thriftygal Post author

      Oh goodness. I did not realize you can’t go for walks in Spain! I’m so sorry. That must be terrible for your mental health. My heart goes out to you.

  4. Shane (from Ireland)

    What an opener: “I normally avoid the news like the plague, but everyone kept talking about the plague,..”.

    You are a gifted writer. Love that Universe looking at itself reference – I first heard it from Alan Watts on Youtube – is that where you first heard it? If you don’t know who Alan Watts is, you should check him out – you will like him a lot.

    Selling stocks buy toilet paper! lol It may not be untrue!

    I’m working from home for the foreseeable. Will try the April Resolutions chart.

    On a side note, isn’t the amount of control Governments have over people in 2020 a little bit scary. For example, a person walking on a street in their own country being confronted by an armed solider telling them to get off the street – just an aside.

    1. Thriftygal Post author

      I read “we are the universe observing itself” in a book. I think it was a book on meditation.

      It’s a scary, crazy time

  5. Rudi Schmidt

    if ‘allowed’ and you feel up to it, ROAD TRIP (with a sleeping bag/ice chest/books). Head west out of Chicago and when you get to Iowa, head north….then west. Good luck. Love you. Be well.

      1. Rudi Schmidt

        OK, then head north toward the Badlands and then a bit further to Spearfish, SoDakota….beautiful country, especially in the Spring. Get outside, Go Anita, Go!

  6. Michael Roach

    I too hate flossing and I was always not doing it . Then I got a waterpik and I find I can do that instead.
    Just a suggestion.

  7. Karen

    Most libraries subscribe to an ebook format such as Libby. You can download it and using your card check out ebooks. The selection is not as good as the regular library but it is free. For a different type of workout look at Tai Chi. It is hard to learn from a video vs in person but it is strangely relaxing and addicting. You learn to slow down. It is difficult because each move flows into the next unlike yoga where most moves are single except for sun salutations.
    This will definitely be a part of our lives that we will always remember.

    1. Thriftygal Post author

      Yeah, I’ve definitely checked out ebooks before. I use it when I’m traveling.

      I like the idea of tai chi

  8. Lei

    Hey Thriftygal! Thank you for this post. I think it’s especially important to have healthy habits to strive for in these times – I’ll be setting up my resolutions today! I’m looking forward to reading your report card post 🙂

      1. Lei

        They’re quite similar to yours actually 🙂

        Resolutions I’m continuing:
        – Gratitude: Write down 3 things I’m grateful for <3
        – Workout
        – Skincare: AM & PM (I started this couple months ago so this is a reminder that I'm glad to still be doing this, yay for self care!)
        – Read 20 pages
        – Eat 5 servings of fruits/veggies

        Resolutions that are new:
        – Meditate for 10 minutes
        – Go for a walk

  9. Anjani

    In India, we have Janata curfew for 14 hrs yesterday from 7am to 9pm, nobody on road in whole country and following by lock down by affected districts. We are supposed to go out only for essentials and stay indoor till Mar 31st. It may get extended for another month or more.
    No walks and parks, only indoor, it is required for a country of this size, with no medicine available, not enough test kits and medical facilities….
    Testing period for all of us…
    Vipassana Teachers say minimum 1 hr meditation in the morning and 1 hr in the evening…..that is minimum required.

  10. Fille Frugale

    Hi Thriftygal, I completely agree with you that the isolation is hard. Humans are social animals and even introverts like you or me need social interaction to feel sane. 2 things help me: 1) keeping a journal – this is a unique time in our lives and I want to record how I dealt with it for future reference, plus I find writing personally soothing, and 2) I have family and friends dealing with this in Europe (France and Italy) and contrasting the US approach versus theirs has helped me see how truly crucial it is we all do our part and stay the f*ck home, in order to protect the most at-risk and the overburdened medical staff. Both of those things help me deal with the hardship of being home alone for the foreseeable future. What I find hardest of all, actually, even worse than the loneliness, is the apparent selfishness and cluelessness of so many, who seem to think it’s their God given right to continue to do exactly as they damn well please for as long as damn well possible, and damn the consequences because, hey, I’m young and invincible…. Sorry but this is really getting to me, as you can tell. End of rant.

    1. Thriftygal Post author

      I read one of those articles about the young spring breakers in Florida and couldn’t read any more of those. I hear ya on the rage.

  11. David

    I hear ya about the loneliness part of this, although I haven’t taken any calls from suitors. My friends are staying home really nicely, one of them only goes out every 3rd day! I haven’t managed to do this yet. I have been drinking 1 corona for each day of working from home, they are lining up on my windowsill. Also my knowledge of all the hole in the wall places to go for a walk is coming in handy, since the parks are crawling with people… that is going down slowly however.

    I think my April goal will be to avoid the news and social media. The stories are so juicy, then when there is a lull, the whole threshold for interesting goes through the floor and I’m reading all the gossip I can find. Especially neighbors ranting through Nextdoor, it’s quite entertaining, then you look up and 45 minutes of your life are gone.

    1. Thriftygal Post author

      Haha. Why do you think the parks won’t be crawling with as many people?

      I was thinking of getting back on social media to combat the loneliness, but I think you’re right that it’s just a time suck. My sister has the next door app and it really is one of the funniest things I’ve seen. Every one is suspicious of everything.

  12. Ally

    I ‘get’ to work at the office during the California shelter in place, although they are now allowing some telecommuting. Like all the people who are crowding the beaches and parks for the first time , I find myself not wanting to telework, after years of really wanting to. It’s humans and scarcity: I want it more when it’s scarce. Also, having to work is like a get-out-of-shelter-free card. (But I’m still practicing safe social distancing .). And Also, all that Fear I had missing out on the last 5 years stock gains for half my savings has turned to gratitude. As is still for having a job when so many are out of work, when the other thing I’ve wanted badly for a year is to quit.

    1. Thriftygal Post author

      Thanks for this comment and all the thoughts.

      Everyone I know who is working from home right now kind of hates it. Especially the ones that have kids. It’s a tough time for everyone!

  13. Liz S.

    Hi Anita,

    Thanks for the recommendations! Any thoughts on VTSAX and VTIVX? Hope you stay well 🙂

    1. Thriftygal Post author

      I haven’t looked at my Vanguard since this whole thing started. These are the days I wish I had a job so I could take advantage of the sale.

      I’m not a clairvoyant, but I have to believe the market will go back up when the world goes back online.


Thoughts? Recommendations? Candy? Anything you can give me is highly appreciated.

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