How’d you do in February? I did okay. No D’s or F’s technically, but it’s only because I dropped several resolutions when it became clear I was careening towards those grades.
It’s my game and my rules.

Remember that health is a crown only the sick can see.
My mom has been suffering from severe vertigo for about six months now and I went to visit in February to hang out with her for a while. This phrase was a timely and good daily reminder.
You don’t realize how precious your health is until it’s taken from you. It’s so easy to take for granted.
Go with hedonism
I took this resolution as permission to eat whatever I wanted. It was fun. I consumed a lot of Swedish pancakes and French toast.
I’m not sure I’d put this resolution on my chart again. Too dangerous. Maybe in a year.
This resolution is too vague and I gave myself the benefit of the doubt a lot. I’m sure I smiled that day, right?
Be generous
This is another too vague resolution. I ended up volunteering some, tipping a lot, and taking care of my mom. I was generous with myself on grading this one.
Work Out
I worked out 25 days out of 29, a total of 1,176 minutes, for an average of 38 minutes a day. I’m happy even though it’s a B. February is an unforgiving month in terms of days you can skip.
Go outside 20 minutes
Some days were just so miserably cold I couldn’t make myself leave my warm, warm inside place. Five days to be precise.
Intermittent Fasting
On some days I opted to eat with others and ate earlier than noon. Six days to be exact.
Ones I stopped tracking because I was bombing so hard on them
Write 750 words.
I’m not excited about any of my books and it’s hard to make myself write when I’m visiting my parents for some reason. Maybe because fiction is hard and I’m bad at it and sometimes it’s just easier to avoid things you’re bad at.
No reddit
I’m addicted to amitheasshole. It’s an easy way to pass the time, reading about other people’s antics and foibles.
Record phone time
If I knew my phone time was longer than an hour, I didn’t bother recording it. I was going strong for a while and then bombed miserably.
I’m excited about the new month and fresh start! Go March, go!
Curious: what volunteering are you doing, and what is your fitness plan now? Are you backing off on any travel, given the current virus hysteria? I think you are in Chicago: whoa, I can’t complain then about my weather in Seattle, but am looking forward to riding my bike when it’s not 45 and rain. Be well.
When I’m in Denver, I volunteer for Planned Parenthood. When I’m visiting my parents in Illinois, I buy and serve food at the homeless shelter. Current fitness plan is the same Fitnessblender one I bought. I’m not traveling because I’m liking nesting. I don’t watch the news, so don’t really know what’s going on with the Corona virus.
Put down the reddit… back away slowly with your hands up
Despite how it looks, I swear I really am trying.
I’ve been intermittent fasting for 10 years. You’re right, the social part is the hardest. I have gotten into the habit of not eating at restaurants with friends though. After you do it a few times, and just order a tea or whatever, the weirdness fades away. However, when someone cooks, I always feel obligated to eat. Like, they took all this time to prepare a feast for me, so It’s really hard to say no. I’m not sure that’ll ever change.
Yeah, I couldn’t imagine saying no a meal someone had made for me. Unless it had meat in it.
I agree on how easy it is to take health for granted. I’ve had a relatively minor cold this month and it is so frustrating. Even something small takes a lot of energy and interrupts my plans.
I hope you didn’t give me your cold.