Updating Thriftygal’s Charts – December 2014 and January 2015

By | February 14, 2015

One of the things that I’m worried about when I retire is my tendency towards laziness. I’m still updating my charts, but typing out a blog post always seems to get pushed off my to-do list. In my free time, the last place I want to be is in front of a computer typing.

But, you guys, I have some really happy news! In December 2014, I bought some coconut water to celebrate…

My projected passive income line was higher than my expenses line!!!

I spent most of December meandering through Asia and I rented out my Sydney apartment on Airbnb for a couple of days over New Years Eve (apparently, the single most expensive day to be in Sydney), so my expenses for the month were down. Also, December is bonus time in Big Law, so my income line was quite healthy as well.

Here is where I stood at the end of November 2014.

Nov 2014 - Expenses, PPIAnd here is what my chart looked like at the end of December 2014.

Happiness! The lines have crossed!

Happiness! The lines have crossed!

I know it’s hard to tell as it’s only a few dollars, but I can do math and know what number is larger. 🙂 And here’s the chart with the income line thrown in for some perspective.

Income, Expenses, PPI - December 2014

Sadly, that will be the last time the green line is higher than the red line as long as I’m in Sydney as the Airbnb experiment is officially over (by order of the landlord). I could get a permanent roommate, but I value my privacy more than the reduced expenses.

No Airbnb and more time in Asia in January made my expenses line jump quite high in January 2015. The market was also having a bit of a temper and my net worth decreased by about $1400, pushing the green line imperceptibly downwards.

Expenses, PPI January 2015

Which I am trying to love because I scooped up some VTSAX at a discount. Yum!


Thoughts? Recommendations? Candy? Anything you can give me is highly appreciated.

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